Wednesday | 6:30p.m. | Conference Room
Join in the study of Galatians with Pastor Jeff!
Resources | Announcements
Bible Study
Wednesday | 6:30p.m. | Conference Room
Join in the study of Galatians with Pastor Jeff!
Youth Music Team
Wednesday | 6:30 p.m. | Sanctuary
Contact Patty Henry for questions or more information
Truth Trackers
Wednesday | 6:30 p.m. | Church Basement
Truth Trackers is a discipleship program for children that teaches doctrinal truth through Scripture memory, daily devotions, and weekly lessons. We invite you to learn more about Truth Trackers and see how we can help your children "track down" the truth!
WoMen's Ministry
1st Saturday of every month | 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. | Church Basement
The ladies of Spring Creek are invited to come fellowship with one another while serving others in the the church.
Any questions? Contact Patty Henry, Tery Scott, or Teresa Zimmerman.
Sunday | 9:30 a.m. | Spring Creek
Youth Small Group at Spring Creek is an exciting and educational group! Plan to grow in spirituality and knowledge, in addition to building relationships with other youth. The group is currently meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the church with Kyle and Linsey Reed as the small group leaders.
Connection Room
Sunday | 10:00 a.m. | Spring Creek
We invite you to come help yourself to a snack and drink from the Connection Room breakfast bar.
Hang out, eat, and get to know each other before worship begins at 10:30.
4th Quarter Serving Schedule
The 4th Quarter Serving Schedule is available in the Connection Room or online.
Please remember that if you have a conflict on the day you are scheduled to serve, trade with someone else on the schedule in your area of serving AND call the church office (574-722-2863) or email so the online schedule may be updated. Thank you!
Are you having difficulty hearing the message?
Headsets are now available for your use and may be found on the video
table at the back of the sanctuary.