"..and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
Acts 1:8b
"..and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
Acts 1:8b
Please click on each group for more information or each name for e-mail.
Loaves & Fishes
Ethan & Amanda Bowyer
Executive Director, Midwest Church Extension
MCE is an organizational member of IFCA International. It is one of a number of IFCA church planting agencies across the United States. IFCA International is a world wide fellowship of independent churches and individuals focused on enhancing the strength of the Church by equipping for, and encouraging toward, ministry partnerships to accomplish Great Commission Objectives.
Arturo and Silvia have been missionaries with FIM for many years. They have a church planting ministry in the Puebla, Mexico area as well as a ministry to children. They are gifted evangelists, constantly leading people to Christ, often in the most unique ways. Arturo also oversees a number of churches. They are an older, gracious, godly couple who are in desperate need of financial support. Arturo understands English but is hesitant to speak. Silvia speaks English well.
Pastor CB Philip and Mary Thang
Source of Light Ministries International exists to bring people of every nation, language and ethnicity into a mature relationship with Jesus Christ and into fellowship with a local church family.
Source of Light's vision is to reach the people of the world through Christ-centered and time-tested materials, which will result in evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We envision our Discipleship Training Branches and our Associate Discipleship Schools impacting communities of people around the world by bringing them to a vital relationship with Jesus Christ, and to a level of commitment to Christ that can reflect and demonstrate His life to the world around them. As we equip these believers, they will mature and bear fruit, repeating the process of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.